Application Process

Each year, the Quimby Family Foundation awards grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based in Maine who are working to advance Human Wholeness through the focus areas of movement and nourishment.

Learn more about our focus

We have two grant periods each year, one for Movement and one for Nourishment.


Creating and supporting opportunities for people to consistently choose, and meaningfully experience, nearby nature and wilderness through movement and activity.

2025 Movement

  • Grants announced by Feb 1, 2025


Creating and supporting opportunities for people to consistently choose regional and plant-based foods that restore human and environmental health.

2025 Nourishment

  • Grant Opportunity Form open Mar 1-31, 2025

  • Grant Application Form is open by invitation from Mar 17-Apr 25, 2025

  • Grants announced by Aug 1, 2025

How Do I Get Started?

All organizations seeking a grant will begin at our Grant Opportunity Form (above). You can enter some basic data with an option to upload a few documents and describe how your history of work and/or emerging programs are aligned with our mission and vision.

Our Funding Process

Committed to a streamlined, transparent, fair, and time saving process.

We hold an open application process, where any nonprofit can make an entry for consideration. While we recognize that this does increase the size and competitiveness of our applicant pool, this approach allows opportunity to discover organizations previously unknown to us and learn about their work within the context of a large pool of like-minded projects.

We are committed to evolution as a foundation and have made some changes to our historical process that reflect our learning from the past few years including elements of Trust Based Philanthropy. Our intent is a streamlined, transparent, fair, and time saving process that will continue to iterate and develop over time. As opposed to saddling you with the task of drafting an original application, we request a basic application form that ensures your organization will be considered for grant funding.

We hope to eliminate redundant documentation requirements and reduce time spent on applications and reporting while increasing communication and genuine connection. The onus is on us to gain a well-rounded and deeper knowledge of your work and how we can best support mission aligned nonprofits in Maine.

Recent changes to our process

As the number of requests that we are unable to fund increases each year, we’ve made changes to reduce time, consideration and drafting of original copy by grant seekers. Due to our small team’s desire to do our best in offering thoughtful consideration to all, while keeping an open application process that honors emerging nonprofits in the state, we have modified our process.

Some organizations that share a history of alignment and pattern of repeat funding will join a process involving in-person or virtual visits, while others will receive access to enter a full application, and some will be notified early on that their mission and/or project are not as well-aligned and will not receive further consideration for the current cycle. 

  • QFF reviews all Grant Opportunity Forms as they arrive and will communicate back to respondents as quickly as possible. For those that are invited to apply, all applications are due by date stated above. 

  • Site visits, event attendance, phone calls or virtual meetings are scheduled throughout the year and may not overlap with the grant cycle.  

  • Applicants will receive email notification regarding grant status by date stated above, and grantees will be announced on our website and social media channels.

  • Please forward any questions or concerns about these changes and the associated timing, to

Values We Seek

We prioritize funding organizations with a history of embodying specific values in their work. When evaluating new projects and programs, we search for natural alignment and designed commitment to these values:

Community Rooted, Community Grown

We believe organizations rooted in and responsive to community desire are more likely to be relevant, meaningful, and successful.  Projects developed and implemented with ongoing involvement from stakeholders and target populations build connectivity and strengthen Maine communities.

Mutually Beneficial

We respect organizations striving for a symbiotic relationship between people and our planet.  We are seeking projects that simultaneously improve health outcomes for individuals while protecting or restoring local landscapes. 


We feel organizations supporting people to continually connect with neighbors and nature are essential to stem the growing tide of social isolation affecting all age groups and many rural communities.


We prioritize organizations supporting human wholeness and healthy choices for historically excluded or disinvested populations and geographic regions throughout the state of Maine.

Invested in Health

We admire organizations committed to individual and community health choices, particularly disease-preventative nourishment and nature-based work, service or play.

Take a look at our past grantees.

A Few of Our Top Questions

  • Yes! In fact, we end up receiving and funding more general operating requests than anything else. We definitely understand the need for general operating expenses so that your organization can continue to do great work.

  • Qualifying organizations are required to have a current tax-exempt status 501(c)(3) designation or a fiscal sponsor with 501(c)(3) status who can act as a pass through for any funding received.

    We often work with organizations that do not have a 501(c)(3) destination and use a fiscal sponsor. For more information about fiscal sponsorship and a directory of options in Maine, visit this page from the Maine Association of Nonprofits.

  • We prioritize relationships with the nonprofit community in Maine and do our very best to be accessible and have face-to-face contact. You can reach out to us at any time to schedule a meeting and depending on our availability, we will either set up a time to meet in person or schedule a brief phone conversation. During our two grant cycles, we have limited time and generally need to respond to inquiries/questions via email or by setting up a brief phone call. Due to our small staff size and open process, we receive more requests than we can accommodate, and may not always be able to honor your request to talk. If you are a new applicant, it is very likely that we will contact you to schedule a meeting and/or site visit so we can get to know you better. Please carefully review our website and FAQ page, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, submit questions to We will do our best to get back to you in a timely fashion.

More Questions?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information about our process and types of organizations we fund or are unlikely to fund.

Email us with any unanswered questions regarding our application process, or to schedule a brief phone call with QFF staff.